WINNER! Waters Edge Magazine
2005 Editors' Choice Award - BEST RIBS
Inside wokv.com : Blackjack: Jax Best BBQ.
Finally, Great Jacksonville Barbecue!
By Cole Pepper
WOKV Barbecue Director
best Bar B Que I've eaten since moving to Florida.
C. Benzenberg, Fruit Cove
Fired Up - Florida Times Union Article - 11/25/02
They are barbecue's equivalent of David in a city of Goliaths.
By Christopher Calnan
Times-Union business writer
The Best BBQ in Jacksonville, FL - arguably the best in the
entire state. Very rarely does one encounter a BBQ "clean
sweep", but at Blackjack's Best, all four meats - across
the board - are as good as I've found. The pork and chicken are
"celestial" - maybe the best I've ever tasted.
By A.R. Baker
In and Rock Out
for The Record
A sauce for BBQ Lovers, written by Staff Writer,
Bailey White @ the Daily Record
Barbecue Lovers Only
From the ribs all the way up, down and across the menu, every
selection will please the greatest barbecue affectionados. It
couldn't be any fresher if you cooked it yourself and served it off the
cooker. All new, every day!
By Clif Welch, Master Certified Barbecue Judge